Featured & Sponsored listings are a way to make your event stand out among other events.
Featured Listings are displayed at the top of the events for a specific day. So if there are 10 events on the 4th of July, the featured listing will display after July 3rd events, but at the top of the list for events occurring on the 4th.
Free & Featured Listing Packages:
Silver Event
Listing Package
1 Featured Listing
1 Featured Listing
90 Day Duration
Gold Event
Listing Package
3 Featured Listings
3 Featured Listings
90 Day Duration
Platinum Event
Listing Package
5 Featured Listings
5 Featured Listings
90 Day Duration
In addition to the Featured Listing options above, we also offer Sponsored Listings to further increase exposure of your events to our target audience of live music fans and enthusiasts.
Sponsored Listings are displayed in Ad Block locations such as the header, footer and sidebar. Sponsored listings are also displayed at the top of the event list for a specific day.
To purchase a sponsored listing, please Contact Us.